The School of Science and Technology offers 4 minor programs representing a great diversity of disciplines. These subjects provide ample opportunity to explore your personal interests and customize your own path of study.
Considering a minor?
Minors must be outside of your major and concentration. Up to two courses that have been prescribed by your major as General Education requirements may be counted towards a minor. The minimum number of credits for a minor is 18. Courses that fulfill other General Education requirements or free electives may be used to complete the minor.
Double Minors Policy
You may have two minors, but courses can only count towards one of the minors. Depending upon the major, you may not be able to complete the requirements of the minors within four years or within the minimum number of credits for your degree.
Available Minors in Science and Technology
Applied Mathematics
Program Requirements
Students are required to take a minimum of 20 credits as follows:
Required Courses:
MTH 134 - Calculus I (Cr: 4)
MTH 137 - Calculus II (Cr: 4)
Additional Courses
- One 200 level MTH course
- One 300 level MTH course
Students select two from the following courses:
- MTH courses above 120 (Cr: 6)
BIO 210 - Biostatistics (Cr: 3)
Only one of BIO 210 or MTH 126 may be counted towards the minor.
CSC 160/160L - Introduction to Programming and Lab (Cr: 4)
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MTH 134 - Calculus I (Cr: 4)
Program Requirements
Students are required to take a minimum of 19 credits as follows:
Required Course
Students select one from the following courses:
BIO 102/102L - Principles of Biology I and Lab (Cr: 4)
BIO 103/103L - Principles of Biology II and Lab (Cr: 4)
Additional Required Courses
Students select five from the following courses (three of which must be 200 level or higher):
BIO 101 - Human Biology (Cr: 3)
BIO 102/102L - Principles of Biology I and Lab (Cr: 4)
BIO 103/103L - Principles of Biology II and Lab (Cr: 4)
BIO 201/201L - Anatomy and Physiology I and Lab (Cr: 4)
BIO 202/202L - Anatomy and Physiology II and Lab (Cr: 4)
BIO 205 - Plant Biology (Cr: 3)
BIO 225 - Introduction to Biotechnology (Cr: 3)
BIO 226 - Marine Biology (Cr: 3)
BIO 242 - World Disease (Cr: 3)
BIO 292/292L - Microbiology and Lab (Cr: 4)
BIO 301 - Regional Anatomy (Cr: 3)
BIO 311/311L - Genes and Genomes and Lab (Cr: 4)
BIO 320/320L - Cell and Molecular Biology and Lab (Cr: 4)
BIO 326/326L - Immunology and Lab (Cr: 4)
BIO 335 - Pathophysiology (Cr: 3)
BIO 340 - Bioinformatics (Cr: 3)
BIO 350 - Human Embryology and Developmental Biology (Cr: 3)
CHE 105/105L - General Chemistry I and Lab (Cr: 4)
PHL 310 - Bioethics (Cr: 3)
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BIO 102/102L - Principles of Biology I and Lab (Cr: 4)
Computer Science
Program Requirements
Students are required to take a minimum of 19 credits as follows:
Required Courses
CSC 101 - Introduction to Computer Science (Cr: 3)
CSC 160/160L - Introduction to Programming and Lab (Cr: 4)
Additional Required Courses
Students select two from the following courses:
CSC 161/161L - Data Structures and Algorithms (Cr: 4)
CSC 251 - Network Fundamentals (Cr: 3)
CSC 255 - Programming for Games and Interactive Technologies (Cr: 3)
CSC 260 - Visual Programming I (Cr: 3)
CSC 265 - Discrete Structures (Cr: 3)
CSC 280 - Computer Architecture (Cr: 3)
CSC 380 - Operating Systems (Cr: 3)
Additional Courses
Two Computer Science courses, which can be drawn from the list above, provided the courses are not also being used to fulfill other requirements (Cr: 6)
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CSC 101 - Introduction to Computer Science (Cr: 3)
Data Science
Program Requirements
Students are required to take a minimum of 20 credits as follows:
Required Courses
CSC 160/160L - Introduction to Programming and Lab (Cr: 4)
MTH 134 - Calculus I (Cr: 4)
MTH 146 - Data Science I (Cr: 3)
MTH 246 - Data Science II (Cr: 3)
Elective Courses
Choose two courses from the following Elective List:
BIO 340 - Bioinformatics (Cr: 3)
BEN 345 - Bioinformatics (Cr: 3)
CSC 161/161L - Data Structures and Algorithms (Cr: 4)
CSC 340 - Database Management (Cr: 3)
CSC 440 - Data Mining and Visualization (Cr: 3)
ENV 212 - Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (Cr: 3)
MTH 138 - Introduction to Probability and Statistics in R (Cr: 3)
MTH 238 - Linear Algebra (Cr: 3)
MTH 316 - Advanced Statistics (Cr: 3)
MTH 338 - Applied Linear Algebra for Data Science (Cr: 3)
MTH 346 - Advanced Topics in Data Science (Cr: 3)
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CSC 160/160L - Introduction to Programming and Lab (Cr: 4)
Engineering Technology
Program Requirements
Students are required to take a minimum of 20 credits.
Required Courses - 14 Credits
EGR 200 - Engineering Computer Applications (Cr: 3)
MTH 134 - Calculus I (Cr: 4)
PHY 201/201L - Physics with Calculus I and Lab (Cr: 4)
EGR 100 - Introduction to Engineering (Cr: 3)
EGR 150 - Designing, Making, and Building in the Digital World (Cr: 3)
Additional Courses
View academic catalog and learning outcomes -
EGR 200 - Engineering Computer Applications (Cr: 3)
Environmental Studies
Program Requirements
Students are required to take a minimum of 20 credits as follows:
Required Courses:
ENV 130/130L - Environmental Science I and Lab (Cr: 4)
ENV 131/131L - Environmental Science II and Lab (Cr: 4)
Additional Courses:
Students select four electives from three disciplines. Environmental studies electives include any course within an ENV designation and:
- Any ENV Course (Cr: 3 or 4)
BIO 205 - Plant Biology (Cr: 3)
BIO 242 - World Disease (Cr: 3)
BUS 365 - Business, the Environment, and Sustainability (Cr: 3)
CHE 105/105L - General Chemistry I and Lab (Cr: 4)
CHE 106/106L - General Chemistry II and Lab (Cr: 4)
CHE 306 - Chemical Analysis and Instrumentation (Cr: 3)
ENG 336 - Nature Writing (Cr: 3)
HST 380 - Environmental History (Cr: 3)
IDS 325 - World Geography (Cr: 3)
POL 382 - Environmental Law and Politics (Cr: 3)
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ENV 130/130L - Environmental Science I and Lab (Cr: 4)