• Program Overview

    Studying history will help you understand the root causes of contemporary issues and problems, and develop a skill set useful in a range of careers.

    As a history major, you will come to understand the dynamics of political and social change. You'll delve into the factors, processes, and contingencies that combine to create change over time - and learn about the distinct and intersecting histories of groups in the United States and abroad differentiated by race, gender, ethnicity, class, religion, sexuality, and culture.

    Through courses that range in scope from the local to the national to the international, from New England to the American West to modern China, you will learn different approaches to historical research and will be introduced to recent trends within the discipline. A long list of interesting elective courses allows you to personalize your program to pursue your interests.

    We also offer an optional secondary education concentration within the history degree program.

    a man smiling in front of his laptop
  • Curriculum
  • Internships and Careers