Upper Callahan
Whether you’re hungry for a great meal or have an appetite for some Endicott swag, you’ll find what you need in Upper Callahan.

An important question when choosing a college: "How's the food?" Explore dining options at Endicott, view the menu, and learn about our talented in-house pastry chefs.

Everything you need is available through our on-site bookstore. You can also shop online to order your textbooks or browse Endicott attire, gifts, and collectibles.
Lower Callahan
There’s a ton of activity to be found in Lower Callahan—not only is it a hub for hanging out, but many student services are located there. Read below to see what’s offered!

Information Booth
The information booth is a student-run service that provides resources for the campus community, located on the first floor of the Callahan Center.

Health & Wellness
Offering caring counseling services, an interfaith chapel, on-campus health and fitness centers, and a variety of student support services, Endicott is dedicated to helping you maintain your physical and emotional well-being.

Student Affairs
The Student Affairs Office is your on-campus support system. We provide support for your academic and personal development through a variety of offices and programs.

Student Engagement
The Student Engagement Office coordinates a variety of programs including educational speakers, movie nights, off-campus trips, color runs, food trucks, and more!

Mail & Copy Center
Access your student mailing address, find out how to send and receive packages, and use copy services.

Transportation Services
We offer shuttle services to the Beverly Depot and off-campus locations, Zipcars, and more to help you get around campus and the community.

Commuter & Veterans Lounge
The Commuter & Veterans Lounge, located in Lower Callahan, is the perfect place for our veterans and commuters to study or hang out between classes. Swing by the lounge to meet new friends, learn about upcoming programs, or just relax!
Late Night & Weekend Programming
Late Night LoCa
Stop by the Callahan Center on Friday and Saturday nights for a variety of fun programming!
In Video
The Dishes that Define Endicott
From decadent mac-n-cheese at Callahan Dining Hall to crispy chicken tenders at the Lodge, we asked our Gulls for some of the essential dishes that have defined their Endicott experience. It was a hard job but someone had to do it!