Formally known as Academic Resources and Student Success, the newly named Division of Academic Success has been continuously evolving over the last decade to provide the programs and services that are needed to help students become happier, more successful Gulls.

The Division’s title upgrade directly correlates to the end result of utilizing the programs and services that the Division offers—success. Eliminating the word ‘resources,’ which has a more passive connotation, gives students a sense of ownership to take control of their own success, notes Director of the Student Support Center, Amy Cohn.

Cohn says that the updated name from resources to success captures the way that students have come to perceive the department.

“Both the students who use our services and work beside us as peer tutors (sometimes these students are both) see our Division as a place where they are known, heard, and helped. They know they are on the path to success as soon as they enter our floor.”

Part of the evolution within the Division of Academic Success includes working more closely with other departments on campus to identify all facets of student success. The Division often works with Residence Life and Student Affairs, as well as other partners that contribute to student success, to keep everyone informed and ensure students prioritize their academics.

With new communication modalities, making an appointment to utilize any of the Division’s services is easier than ever. In total, more than 10,000 appointments—both online and in-person—were made in both the Tutoring and Writing Center during the 2017-18 academic year. Students can visit to book an appointment today or stop by the Division of Academic Success located in the Diane M. Halle Library.

While the name has changed, the proven programs and services have remained. Within the Division of Academic Success, students have access to the following services: 

Advising Services Center
An additional resource in the advising process.

Student Support Center (fee-based service)
Learning consultants work with students to convert academic tasks into action stages. Students gain universal learning skills that they can apply to all of their classes whenever needed.

Center for Accessibility Services
Committed to providing equal access to educational programs and services.

Writing Center
Support for writing assignments, as well as help with presentation and public speaking skills, and the formatting and design of visual, spatial, and audio compositions.

Center for Student Success & Retention
Assists students who are considering transferring, taking a leave of absence, or leaving the College for any reason.

Tutoring Center
Sessions can cover topics including test review, homework assistance, study skills, time management, and reinforcing concepts presented in the classroom.

This article is featured in the Winter 2019 edition of Soundings, the Endicott College magazine that highlights happenings in our community such as academic program enhancements, alumni spotlights, student successes, campus news, sports highlights, faculty accolades, and community successes.