Admission Requirements
Candidates for the Rn to BSN program should have a minimum of two years full-time work experience. Admission to an undergraduate program requires a high school diploma, GED or conferred Associates degree from an accredited college or university. Prospective students may apply online at or submit the following materials to Van Loan School Admissions, Endicott College, 376 Hale St, Beverly, MA 01915:
All admissions requirements must be satisfied in order to be formally accepted, or matriculated, in a degree program. Students must be formally admitted to a program before the completion of 6 Endicott credits.
Additional Admission Requirements for the R.N. to B.S. in Nursing:
- Official transcript of the Associate of Science or comparable course- work that led to the registered nurse license;
- Cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or better from an ACEN accredited associate's degree program or diploma is required.
- Current unrestricted Nursing license
Note: Applicants who did not graduate from an accredited program must complete proficiency examinations prior to enrollment in nursing courses. Applicants may complete either the ACT/PEP Examinations, Adult Nursing, Maternal/ Child Health in Nursing, Baccalaureate and Psychiatric/ Mental Health Nursing with a standard score of 45 or better on each exam OR the NLN Nursing Acceleration Challenge Exams (ACE) II RN-BSN: Care of the Adult Client, Care of the Client During Childbearing and Care of the Child or, Care of the Client with a Mental Disorder, with a decision score of 75 or better on each exam.
International Applicants for Undergraduate Admission Requirements
Endicott College welcomes and encourages applicants from around the world. International applicants must request that an official academic transcript confirming a secondary school diploma equivalent to a U.S. high school diploma be sent directly from the secondary school. Educational documents from outside the U.S. must be accompanied by a certified English translation, if deemed necessary.
All transcripts and translations of transcripts must be official originals and must show courses completed, grades received, grading scale, duration of study, degree or diploma received, and the date conferred. Endicott College reserves the right to request verification of the credentials by an external agency. International applicants must submit current TOEFL scores when their native language is not English or when their high school transcript and diploma are not from an institution where English is the language of instruction. Once students have been admitted as degree candidates, Endicott College will send detailed instructions about the process for acquiring an Endicott- sponsored student visa.
Program of Study
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the program, students will:
- Synthesize knowledge from humanities, science and nursing as a foundation for holistic, safe, patient-centered care throughout the lifespan.
- Apply knowledge of professional standards, leadership, quaility improvement and patient safety while employing moral, ethical, social and legal conduct to nursing practice.
- Incorporate theoretical concepts, nursing process and research in nursing practice to deliver quality care.
- Integrate information technology to improve quality, patient-centered care.
- Participate in quality improvement processes understanding healthcare policy and regulatory environments to achieve positive patient health outcomes.
- Facilitate therapeutic communication with patients and families and collaborate effectively with the interprofessional team.
- Provide individualized health promotion/illness prevention education and interventions to patients, families, and populations when appropriate.
- Integrate leadership skills, professional values, continued learning and a caring professional identity.
- Use critical inquiry and analysis skills needed to engage constructively in academic discourse within the nursing discipline across the continuum of healthcare environments.
Required Curriculum
World Cultures Course - 3 cr.
Aesthetic Awareness & Creative Expression Course - 3 cr.
Literary Perspectives Course - 3 cr.
Individual and Society Course - 3 cr.
Values & Ethical Reasoning Course - 3 cr.
Global Issues Course - 3 cr.
Open Electives - 11 cr.
BIO 201 - Anatomy and Physiology I
BIO 201 - Anatomy and Physiology I Lab
BIO 202 - Anatomy and Physiology II
BIO 202L - Anatomy and Physiology II Lab
BIO 292 - Microbiology
BIO 292L - Microbiology Lab
BIO 335 - Pathophysiology
ENG 111 - Critical Reading and Writing I
ENG 112 - Critical Reading and Writing II
MTH 126 - Applied Statistics
NU 210 - Fundamentals of Nursing
NU 211 - Care of Adults
NU 230 - Health Assessment
NU 305 - RN Role Transition
NU 306 - Nursing Research
NU 307 - Pharmacology
NU 316 - Psychosocial Nursing
NU 313 - Care of Childbearing Families
NU 314 - Care of Children
NU 400 - Nursing Internship and Seminar
NU 408 - Leadership and Management in Nursing
NU 410 - Acute Care Nursing
NU 411 - Community/Population Health Nursing
NU 489 - Senior Thesis I
NU 490 - Senior Thesis II
PE 210 - Nutrition
Total Degree Requirements - 126 credits
View academic catalog and learning outcomes