• How long does the B.S. in Nursing program take to complete?

    It takes four years (eight semesters) to complete the bachelor's degree.

  • Is the program accredited?

    The baccalaureate degree program in nursing at Endicott College is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education.

    The master’s and post-master’s certificate nursing programs at Endicott College are accredited by the: Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 Atlanta, GA 30326(404) 975-5000. The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the master’s and post-master’s certificate nursing program is Continuing Accreditation.

    View the public information disclosed by the ACEN regarding this program.

  • What Are The Nursing Program Outcomes?

    Current Data:

    NCLEX-RN Licensure Pass Rate*

      Endicott College Massachusetts Average National Average
    2021 Graduates 95% 86% 82%
    2022 Graduates 91% 82% 80%
    2023 Graduates 100% 92% 89%

    * Defined as first-attempt pass rate only

    Completion Rates*

      Traditional BSN Program RN to BSN Program Accelerated BSN Program
    2021 93% 96%
    2022 93% 79%
    2023 100% 82% 100%

    *Defined as 150% the length of the program

    Employment Rates*

      Traditional BSN Program RN to BSN Program Accelerated BSN Program
    2021 99% 100%
    2022 99% 100% 100%

    *Based on student survey, sent out one year after graduation

    FNP Certification Pass Rate*

      Endicott College
    2021 53%
    2022 80%
    2023 86%

    *Defined as first-attempt pass rate only

    MSN Program Completion Rates

      On-Time Completion 150% Program Length Completion
    2022 *** 91%
    2023 43% 81%
    2024 55% TBD

    Employment Rates*

      Endicott College
    2021 Graduates 62%
    2022 Graduates 86%
    2023 Graduates 100%

    *Based on responses to student survey administered one year after graduation

  • What are the admission requirements?

    In addition to the general college recommendations for admission, the Nursing program requires a 3.0 GPA* minimally from high school. The middle 50% of students accepted to the program were between a 3.7 and 4.0 GPA (3.88 GPA average). A grade of “C” or higher in all high school science courses is required minimally for admission. Test scores (either SAT or ACT) are optional for admission to the Nursing program. *GPA is recalculated, based on a 4.0 grading average.

    For more information please visit Admissions Criteria.

  • Does the B.S. in Nursing program require pre-admission testing?

    The B.S. in Nursing program is testing optional with no special testing requirements.

  • How do I apply?

    You can apply online using the Endicott Application. All applicants will be given full consideration if an application is submitted for the Early Decision, Early Action or Nursing Priority Deadlines. Nursing applications submitted after the Nursing Priority Deadline will be evaluated on a space-available basis. 

  • When will I start clinicals?

    Clinical coursework starts in the first semester of the sophomore year and continues in each semester until graduation. The senior year, semester-long internship includes working one-on-one with a nurse preceptor.

  • Where do students go for clinicals?

    Endicott’s clinical partners include Boston and local tertiary hospitals, community hospitals, rehabilitation hospitals, community-based care settings, and others.

  • What is the student:faculty ratio? What size are the classes?

    Class size for most of the general education and nursing program classes is 20-30 students. In all clinical rotations, skill practice labs, and clinical simulation labs, the student:faculty ratio is 6 or 7 to 1.

  • Will I need a car?

    During the first year while you are living on the Endicott campus, you will not need a car. In the sophomore, junior, and senior years, nursing students are responsible for their own transportation to clinical sites. Carpooling is encouraged.

  • Will I be able to play a sport or pursue other activities while I study nursing?

    Nursing coursework will take a lot of your time, but the athletics department and the School of Nursing work together to support student athletes who want to continue their sports for all four years. Nursing students have been successful in football, cheerleading, equestrian, lacrosse, basketball, field hockey, dance, ice hockey, and the performing arts.

  • What other things can I expect as a student in the B. S. in Nursing program at Endicott College?

    Program features include:

    • Clinical Simulation Experiences
      • Practice patient care in a state-of-the-art simulation lab.
    • Service Learning Programs
      • Work with other Endicott students and faculty on community-based service teams at local shelters, county jail projects, immigrant community centers, and other locations.
    • Study Abroad Opportunities
      • Students may spend the fall or spring of the junior year in many locations without interrupting progress toward their degrees. A cross-cultural option, NU 315 Intercultural Nursing: Service Learning Experience, is available for nursing students. Shorter travel-based courses to Belize, Iceland,Scotland, and other countries are also available.
    • Professional Involvement from Day One
      • The Endicott College Student Nurse Association is affiliated with the National Student Nurse Association. You may become a member, run for office, organize service activities, or attend a national conference.
    • Sigma Theta Tau Chi Epsilon chapter Honor Society, membership is available for nursing students.
  • Are there additional fees for the undergraduate nursing programs?

    The following are additional out-of-pocket expenses unique to nursing students:

    • Uniforms and Accessories: Students are required to have uniforms for labs and clinicals to include at least one scrub top and one scrub bottom (two of each are highly recommended), one (optional) lab coat, stethoscope, a watch with seconds hand, white shoes, and pair of name pins. There are various price points for some of these items, but the total would be in the range of $250-$350.
    • Castlebranch: this secure web-based management systems assists with management of student records that are required to attend Clinical Placements.There is a one-time Castlebranch user fee of $35 that will cover all of undergraduate years. There is an additional cost for background checks. The cost is $39 for the first time and $19 for subsequent years. Please note, there are some instances when unique lab tests may be required by a given Clinical orHospital Placement which might not be covered by health insurance and would be an additional out-of-pocket expenditure.
    • CPR Courses: the current cost of the CPR class is $65 plus $20 for theoptional book. It is recommended to purchase the book for first time certifiers; students do not need to purchase the book for recertification. Undergraduate students are required to take CPR Freshman and Junior Years so that the two-year CPR certificate doesn't lapse during the academic years. The total cost for CPR would thus be on the order of $130-$170. 


    • The Nursing Test Fee and the Nursing Clinical Course Fee are charged directly by the bursar's office.