Below are a list of sample forms helpful for research with human subjects. Canvas login is required for access.

If your study is considered involving no risk or minimal risk: Use a Disclosure Statement for Consent.

Sample Disclosure Statement

Examples of a Disclosure Statement for No Risk (Exempt Status) and Minimal Risk (Expedited Review)

If your study involves the potential of more than minimal risk: Use an informed consent statement.

Sample Informed Consent Form: No Physical Risks

Sample Informed Consent Form: With Physical Risks

Does your study involve an emotional topic and/or are studying a vulnerable population?  You will need to include a debriefing statement

Example of debriefing statement to mitigate minimal emotional upset

Does your study involve deception?

Sample Debriefing Form

Debriefing Statement Example

Does your study involve minors?

Sample form for Child Assent 

Sample parental consent form

Are you working with an outside agency or school?

Sample Letter of Agreement