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Found 2116 results for "Contact+Us"
Displaying results 1525-1536
Ryan Barnes: The Journey from Intern to Educated Employee at KPMG
Announcing Endicott’s Revised Admission Testing Policy for Fall 2021
Endicott College is pleased to announce that standardized test scores (SAT or ACT) are not required to apply for admission to all programs at the College beginning with the Fall 2021 term.
Micro-credentials are high quality educational opportunities that advance your career with less time and financial commitment.
Academic Coaches Reflect on 15 Years
Academic coaches Amy Cohn, Heidi Fox, Katie Krathwohl, and Kathleen Robinson have all worked at Endicott—helping students attain success—for 15 years or more.
Driving Academic Success for Students & Single Parents
Single parents achieve their academic goals through support from Endicott College Van Loan School of Professional Studies in Boston.
Academic Programming that Builds Confidence
Easing the transition into college, a free summer course on the foundations of writing is available for students in Boston.
Getting Ahead by Going Back to Class
Motivated by his professional goals, adult learner Michael Romani ’22 has returned to achieve his bachelor’s degree from the Van Loan School of Professional Studies.
Endicott Athletics & ECTV are the Perfect Match
The partnership between Endicott athletics and ECTV has created valuable, experiential learning opportunities for students in the School of Communication.
Team IMPACT Fellows Make Endicott History
Endicott seniors Meg Power and Jack Sutherland have been named Team IMPACT Fellows for the 2020–21 academic year, becoming the first-ever Gulls to do so.
Endicott’s Strength & Conditioning Program Is Working Out—And Then Some
The contributions made by Endicott’s Strength & Conditioning program has been reflected across the numerous team and individual awards attained by Endicott athletics in recent years.
The Virtual Chef
Associate Professor Brendan Cronin’s famous cooking demonstrations have gone virtual during the pandemic.
Gull Chat: Marlin Nabors
Assistant Vice President & Dean of Students Marlin Nabors brings a fresh perspective and innovative thinking to the Student Affairs team.