Dr. Gentile has extensive experience within the professional, collegiate, and youth sport settings. She has authored four textbooks in Sport Management, Athletic Administration, Esports Management and her latest is Reimagining Youth Sport. Dr. Gentile has authored numerous chapters in international esports publications, presents her work across numerous international and national conferences, and engages high school students online across a number of social media platforms.
Boston University
Curriculum and Teaching
Springfield College
Sport Management
Adelphi University
Business Administration/Finance
SM 101 Principles of Sport Management
SM 102 Applied Sport Management
SM 215 Organization and Administration of Sport
ESM101 Introduction to Esports Management
ESM306 Esports Business Models
Gentile, D. (2025). Reimagine Youth Sport. FiT Publishing.
Gentile, D. (2024). Esports Management Chapter in Handbook of Esports. Routledge.
Lawson-Williams, B., Gentile, D., & Rollins, M. (2024). Esports Management Chapter in Contemporary Sport Management 8th Edition. Human Kinetics.
Gentile, D. (2024, March). Future Direction and Research Practice Chapter in Critical Perspectives of Esports. International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE/CIEPSS)
Gentile, D. (2024, February). Reimagining Soccer Club Deliverables: Best Practices for Leveraging Transformational Programming. Seacoast United Sports - Club to Club Summit. Portsmouth, NH.
Gentile, D. (2023, March). Introduction to Esports Management: How to Build a Course. Presented at the Esports Expo, Boston: MA.
Gentile, D. (2022, August). Introduction to Esports Management. FiT Publishing.