Cherie works with students to help facilitate academic internships, develops employer partnerships and leads, and teaches professional practice courses in the freshman through senior year. Cherie previously served as the Director of Internship at Endicott where she established the College's robust experiential learning curriculum and assessment methodology in the required 1st and 2nd year foundation courses.
Cherie's interest includes experiential learning pedagogy, standards and assessment for academic internship, and special topics related to international interns. She has been active with regional, national, and international associations.
Cherie received her M.Ed. from Boston University, School of Education in Policy, Planning, and Administration/Higher Education and her B.F.A. from Massachusetts College of Art and Design. She began her professional career at Boston University where she managed academic technology classroom operations for the Charles River campus. At Boston College, she completed a graduate internship and was hired after that to the Boston College School of Management MBA Program. In 1999, Cherie took a role in the internet/tech sector as a founding employee and Director of Human Resources at Virtual Access Networks (an award-winning enterprise software company acquired by Symantec), leading talent acquisition and retention, and all aspects of employment operations. Cherie has worked with federal Workforce Investment Boards as a consultant and appointed Youth Council board member and for U.S. Department of Education internship and career related grants. She has served on numerous campus committees, including International, Technology, NEASC Accreditation, and Assessment committees.
Cherie helps facilitate academic internships, teaching professional practice courses in the freshman through senior year. Cherie's interest includes academic internship pedagogy, best practices in experiential education, and special topics related to international interns.
INT100 - Internship I, Communication
INT200 - Internship II, Communication
CMM379 - Junior Internship Strategies, School of Communication
BUS379 - Junior Internship Strategies, School of Business
CMM480 - Semester Internship Seminar, Communication
Campus Involvement
Faculty Advisor: Global Internship Club