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Athletic Training: Transitioning Into the Future

Endicott’s athletic training program—an established and successful offering on campus—is undergoing exciting new changes.

Athletic trainers holding a shoe Photo by Terry Slater
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Starting in the fall of 2020, Endicott College will feature a new athletic training 3+2 program—students will earn a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science and a Master of Science in Athletic Training within five years of study. 

This transition is in accordance with the Strategic Alliance (BOC, CAATE, NATA and NATA Foundation), which in 2015 determined that the professional degree for athletic training be at the master’s degree level. 

The Class of 2019 have quickly propelled their
Endicott degree into their next opportunity with
12 obtaining employment in the field and four
continuing their education
Aligning with Endicott’s focus on experiential learning, students complete three internships before they begin to take courses in the professional phase of the program. Students then complete two years of clinical education specific to athletic training. They can also complete distance internships and study abroad.

It is an innovative curricular plan that fosters more opportunities for our students and allows them to pursue extra certifications. 

“Working at Endicott and building the program over the past 26 years has been incredibly inspiring,” says Dr. Deb Swanton, dean of the School of Sport Science & Fitness Studies and chair for athletic training. “A culture of excellence has been developed that is a tribute to students, alumni, faculty, and staff. The success of the program is truly a team effort, and I thank everyone that has played a role in helping students reach their potential. We look forward to implementing the master’s degree with the exciting opportunities this new curricular model brings. We have built a strong foundation with the undergraduate program and will continue to move from strength to strength.”

Athletic trainers on the football fieldEndicott students Clare Farrell '21 (far left) and
Julia Difronzo '21 (second from left) work with
Athletic Trainer Will Desjardins '10, to treat a
student-athlete during practice.

Long History of Success

Endicott's undergraduate program has an outstanding reputation with pass rates currently in the top nine percent nationally. Our three-year, first-attempt aggregate pass rate for the Board of Certification exam stands at an astounding 97 percent. All of our 2017 and 2018 graduates (100 percent) passed on the first attempt compared to the national average of 83 percent. 

Employed at every level of sport and in a variety of allied health settings, a number of Endicott alumni work at area high schools, universities, orthopedic centers, rehabilitation facilities, hospitals, and with professional teams. The rigorous curriculum, combined with extensive clinical education experiences, allow our students to learn from faculty and practitioners with expertise in a variety of areas.

Endicott athletic training students complete over 1,200 hours of clinical rotations throughout their four years, and many of those experiences happen right here on campus thanks to the great relationship between Endicott athletics and the program. 

The competitive NCAA Division III environment and variety of sports make Endicott an optimal clinical site. Students learn from experienced athletic training staff members who teach courses and also supervise students during their clinical field experiences. Together, the staff members and students have a meaningful effect on our teams’ success by getting our student-athletes physically prepared to take the field.

Alumni Giving Back & Preparation for Future Success

Another strength of the Endicott program is that alumni work for a number of our clinical sites and serve as preceptors supervising current students. This is a huge benefit, as they have a tremendous understanding of the rigor of the program and can set appropriate expectations for students and challenge them to meet their full potential.

An athletic trainer works on an athleteA.J. Boyd '20 will have amassed over 1,200 hours
of clinical rotation by the time he graduates.

Athletic Training: A Graduateʼs Perspective

Will Dejardins ʼ10, an athletic trainer at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital North Shore, credits field experience as the reason he stays involved in the athletic training program as a preceptor, or experienced practitioner who supervises clinical practice: “Courses offered are challenging and the professors are profoundly knowledgeable, but truly the clinical component is where athletic training skills get tested. My internships granted me firsthand experience in the field, and the knowledge I gained in those circumstances was the most valuable. It is because of my personal experience going through the program as a student that I wanted to give back to the program from the other side. As a preceptor, I can create an environment for students that allows them the opportunity to apply what they are learning in the classroom directly in the field.”