Networking Through Internship Experience Translates to Careers
There’s no arguing the fact that Endicott College’s hallmark internship model is what sets us apart as an institution. Dean of the Internship & Career Center, Dale McLennan, explains, “Endicott students achieve so much through their three-internship sequence—not only are they able to connect classroom learning to the professional world, and vice versa, but they also develop professional competencies and networks that propel them into successful careers. The depth and breadth of professional skills and experience is what sets Endicott graduates apart from the competition.”
Through these required internships and senior thesis, students leave with an impressive resume packed with professional experience. It’s that experience that translates to long-term careers in their field.
Our students are working to convert these experiences into careers from the minute they step onto our campus—and they do. It’s all in the numbers.
Internship & Career Outcomes by the Numbers
2016-17 graduates
- 43% found employment through internship site or contact
- 90% employment related to major
- 98% career outcomes rate
Hear from some of our students who’ve networked their way into careers.

Major: Sport Management
Minor: Coaching
Highlighted Internship Site: Boston College Football Recruit Camps
How did your Endicott internships impact you personally & professionally?
A connection I made in my time at Boston College moved from being the administrative assistant to head coach of Boston College, to senior manager of football operations at NFL headquarters. This connection recently invited me to attend the 2019 NFL Women’s Careers in Football Forum, where I was able to talk to the likes of head coaches, owners, general managers, and more. Additionally, due to me being an attendee at the event, I was provided the contact information of the director of football operations for the Indianapolis Colts, where I have now secured an internship for this upcoming summer.
How has the internship experience helped prepare you for your next step?
I believe that having internship experiences under my belt have given me a level of confidence that not many other recently graduated college students can say they have. Although the classroom teaches fundamental knowledge, nothing can replace actual experience in the field. Internship experiences have the ability to teach you about culture, how to get along well with coworkers, norms of the industry you’re working in, and so much more.
Sarah Gagnon ’19
Major: Marketing
Highlighted Internship Site: Target Corporation
Would you say you were successful in networking during internship in order to land a job after graduation? What did that look like?
Looking back, I felt as though making a strong connection with my internship coordinator was the first step. I landed a job with Target Corporation last August before I even started my senior year for after graduation, and for me that was a huge accomplishment. It was all about making connections at school and then drawing out those connections to people they knew that were involved in fields I was interested in. After graduation, I will go on to work for Target as an executive team lead in the New Hampshire and Maine district.
How would you describe the Endicott internship program to someone considering coming to Endicott?
It changed my life and my outlook on my future. It allows you to create your own network and personal brand. It allows you to explore fields of work that you are interested in. It allows you to gain real-life work experience. It allows you to experience what you might like and dislike about a job. The Endicott internship experience gives you the opportunity to build a voice, and to build a better you that is ready to graduate after four years with the confidence that being an adult and working everyday does not have to be a chore, it should be something you love to do.
Jeffrey Thor ’19
Major: Computer Science
Highlighted Internship Site: Wayfair
Would you say you were successful in networking during internship in order to land a job after graduation? What did that look like?
I started my internship at Wayfair on June 4 and by August they gave me an offer I couldn’t refuse to return after graduation as a software engineer. I continued my internship after accepting the offer and further established myself within the team. Getting to this point required a genuine passion for what I do and dedication to improvement. Starting over again with six months of experience at the company will hopefully allow me to accelerate more quickly and continue to improve my knowledge as a software engineer. I will be moving to Boston after graduation this May and start working again soon after.
Mazlin Higbee ’19
Major: Computer Science
Highlighted Internship Site: Honeycommb
Would you say you were successful in networking during internship in order to land a job after graduation?
A great example of this is a connection I made when working at Honeycommb led to a referral for the job I have accepted after graduation. It's also important to use your connections when making decisions, as a student these people have great insight into what the industry is actually like and often lend great advice.
I would absolutely say that networking has been essential in landing a job post-graduation. When I joined Honeycommb in the summer of 2018, I was working alongside two Endicott alumni, one of whom I shared classes with my sophomore year. If I hadn't made their acquaintance at school, I wouldn't have known about the position at Honeycommb. Fast forward to this year, the other alumni who I met while working at Honeycommb referred me to a job where I have now accepted a full-time position following graduation at Punchbowl, where I’ll be joining as a mobile developer.

Major: Marketing
Minor: Photography
Highlighted Internship Site: Duke University Athletics
Explain what your internship experience has done in terms of networking and making connections in the field.
I have made unbelievable connections at Duke University. My boss and direct supervisor know so many other professionals in the industry. I’ve made great connections at Duke with my other co-workers on Duke’s creative team. I have great confidence that at some point one of these connections will land me a job somewhere.
Would you say you were successful in networking during internship in order to land a job after graduation?
One thing I’ve learned is networking is important, but none of it matters if you don’t work hard. It’s the combination of both that will take you places.
Abigail Keim ’19
Major: Biology/Biotechnology & Psychology
Highlighted Internship Site: Albers Lab at the Mass General Institute for Neurodegenerative Disease
How did your Endicott internship impact you personally & professionally?
Personally, my internship helped me get to know myself outside of an academic context. I learned how I work in a collaborative environment, what organization systems helped me, how to handle a long commute, and how to balance work with the rest of my activities. My semester-long internship also introduced me to Dr. Mark Albers, who has been an unparalleled mentor and role model. He has helped me achieve my personal goals, as well as navigate the professional field of academic research and graduate school.
How would you describe the Endicott internship program to someone considering coming to Endicott?
In my opinion, the internship program is an extremely valuable opportunity to “test drive” a career before committing to it. Through my internships, I got to be a researcher and immerse myself in the lab environment. This experience gave me a glimpse into what my future could be like, and it solidified my decision. I am starting the MD-Ph.D. program at Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College next fall.
To learn more about internships at Endicott, visit