What We Do

Our mission is to be responsive to the needs of the Endicott community as we provide support in the use of current technologies and leadership in the evaluation and adoption of new and innovative ones. On a daily basis, we:

  • Oversee major academic technology applications such as: Canvas- the campus Learning Management System, YuJa- cloud based media storage and distribution system, Turnitin, Respondus Lock Down browser, Blackboard Ally and Endicott's XR Lab (augmented, virtual and mixed reality). We also manage all academic specialty software acquisitions and licensing.
  • Provide workshops, training and support to faculty, staff and students in the use of various software applications, mobile technologies, web tools and digital media.
  • Maintain an Academic Technology Resources and Support, containing news, information, training materials and workshops schedules.

Endicott Technology Resources and Guidelines

Academic Technology Support

Visit our AT Resources and Support site for a central repository of information designed to promote and assist with more effective teaching through technology.

 AT Resources and Support


All incoming freshmen are required to bring laptops to campus. Please view the College Laptop Requirement and the new hardware recommendations for all majors.


The college encourages and incorporates the use of student and faculty iPads in teaching and learning throughout the curricula. Academic Technology supports Endicott faculty and students across disciplines in this initiative. You can email ipad@endicott.edu for help or call the iPad Support line at ext. 2997.

Canvas and YuJa

Canvas is the Learning Management System (LMS) and YuJa is our cloud based media storage and distribution server, allowing faculty to embed videos, distribute podcasts and other media files to their students in an efficient and secure manner. These online tools allow faculty, students and staff to collaborate and communicate in a variety of ways for courses and other approved campus departments and groups. Documents and files of just about any type, can be posted to Canvas by faculty. Additionally, online forums where faculty, staff and students can post topics and responses for discussion can take place 24/7. Chat rooms, web conferencing, online quizzes, tests and other coursework and assignments, as well as announcements and online grading are also part of the Canvas LMS.


All students receive a free copy of Office 365. To receive your Office 365 please visit this FreshService link.

Several majors, including Business, Visual Communications and Interior Architecture, have specific software requirements for their students. Individual courses may also have specific software requirements. Please refer to the course syllabus or your instructor for more information or click on the Laptop Purchase Program link for these majors.

Software applications are made available in our computer labs and public computing spaces, such as the Halle Library and the Cyber Café, free of charge.

Common software applications available on Endicott public use computers:
  • Chrome and Firefox web browsers
  • Microsoft Office
  • VLC media player
  • Adobe Creative Cloud
  • SPSS (statistics)
  • Other applications depending on location

Endicott has partnered with Kivuto to provide students, faculty and staff with academic discounts for a variety of software applications used in Endicott programs of study.  To see what’s available for purchase, click on endicott.onthehub.com.

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Technologies

Endicott is a pioneer in using these cutting edge technologies to enhance learning and teaching by immersing the user into these "alternative realities" that can either mix the real world with 3D objects and imagery or completely immerse the user in a virtual world. Academic Technology has multiple systems that can be used by students and professors to enhance their understanding of subjects including architectural design, biology, anatomy, nursing, and engineering. Available systems include Meta Quest 2, Meta Quest 3, HTC Vive, and Microsoft Hololens. These systems can be brought to campus locations by request.

Workshops and Training

Academic Technology workshops for faculty, students and staff are offered throughout the academic year on a variety of learning technologies, including classroom and digital media technologies, CanvasYuJa, iPads/ mobile devices and web conferencing/virtual classroom technology. Schedules are posted each semester. Check the workshop schedule for details.